Section on the Membership Process from our Constitution
Section 4. Applications for Active, Associate and Junior membership shall be presented in writing and be given to the Sub Investigating Committee for action. Only an active applicant will be required to appear before the Sub-Investigation Committee for orientation and review of their application. The SubInvestigating Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet with the active applicant at its next regular meeting and vote on a recommendation to the Fire Company. This vote shall be by secret ballot and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority. All required documentation must be completed before the Fire Company hears the reading of the application and recommendations. The application shall be voted on by the Fire Company by using the approved, OnLine Voting Application and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) favorable majority to be accepted to membership. The Corresponding Secretary shall notify the applicant of the results in writing. Once an applicant is approved as an Active member, the Fire Company shall notify the Hamburg Town Board in writing of the acceptance. Pending official written approval from the Hamburg Town Board, the applicant shall be entitled to the privileges of an Associate member.
A) Upon the affirmative vote by the Board of Directors, a copy of the Applicants application and a picture of the proposed member will be emailed to All members in Good Standing for their information prior to the next Regular meeting of the Fire Company.
*A duty shift program has been implemented to allow prospective members that do not live in the Lake Shore or adjacent districts to join.
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